Introduction to ACT

Learning to live within your values.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that encourages an individual to utilize skills from mindfulness and cognitive practices to bring awareness of their values and how they are interacting with their emotions and presenting events. The goal is to learn and build a willingness to allow and work through emotions and triggering events while moving towards your personal values.

With this therapy approach, you will be able to identify your personal values and learn how to both sit with your emotions and when/how to detach from unhelpful thinking patterns/actions that move you away from your personal values.

Who could benefit from ACT? Individuals struggling with anxiety disorders, stress/life changes, OCD, depression, chronic pain/illness, substance abuse, and psychosis.

Learn more: What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Video from ADAA Anxiety


What is OCD?